View Archived Volumes Volume 10, 2015 (You may need to download the free Adobe Reader to view the PDF file) For a print copy, please contact: THE ENGAGED SCHOLAR MAGAZINE focuses on collaborative partnerships between Michigan State University and its external constituents/partners, forged for mutual benefit and learning, with an emphasis on research. Volume 10 is our 10th Anniversary Edition. Contents 10th Anniversary Issue Foreword A Brief History of MSU's Office of the Associate Provost for University Outreach and Engagement UOE Facilitates University-Community Partnerships The U.S. EDA Center For Regional Economic Innovation The Quality Milk Alliance Capacity Building in Detroit, Flint, and Lansing UOE Provides Communication and Technical Support for Engaged Scholarly Work The MSU Science Festival UOE Promotes the Scholarship of Engagement Building Engagement Into the Core Academic Mission of the University: The MSU Approach UOE Broadens Access to the University The MSU Museum Collaborations Gifted and Talented Education The MSU Federal Credit Union Institute for Arts and Creativity at Wharton Center The MSU China Experience Science, Jazz, and Folk Arts Festivals Catalog Websites UOE Promotes Inclusion Wiba Anung (Early Star) The ACCESS-MSU Partnership for Arab Health The Michigan Workforce Background Check System UOE Builds Capacity for Engagement Scholarship Among MSU Students, Faculty, and Partners Students Faculty and Academic Staff Community Partners Offered in Conjunction with National Partners Student Engagement Addressing Global Hunger Through a Midwest Lens Community Voices Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program (DAPCEP) and MSU Promote Long-Term Investments in K-12 STEM Programs 2015 Community Engagement Scholarship Award Providing Access to High-Quality STEM Experiences for Young Learners Outreach and Engagement Snapshot 2014 UOE Productivity 2002-2015 By the Numbers News and Notes