Volume 3 - Issue 1 - Home Page

Featured MSU Engaged Scholars

Videogame-based Learning Leads to 'Habits of Mind and Practice'

Videogame-based Learning Leads to 'Habits of Mind and Practice'

Here is refreshing news for today's parents: playing video games is beneficial for the educational development of growing adolescents. This is the perhaps unexpected message of Dr. Ivan Alejandro (Alex) Games, a researcher dedicated to boosting how people learn, think, and solve problems. He is an enthusiastic proponent of using video-based learning curriculum like Gamestar Mechanic to accomplish some of those goals... read more

Working in Ghana to 'Round Up' Cattle Diseases

Working in Ghana to 'Round Up' Cattle Diseases

Perhaps Dr. Dalen Agnew, Assistant Professor in MSU's College of Veterinary Medicine, never imagined that mentoring a graduate student would take him halfway around the world, open up new career endeavors, and establish friendships that will last a lifetime. But this is the happy result of his collaboration with MSU graduate student, Dr. Benjamin AduAddai, on a research project in Ghana, Africa, where they have diagnosed important reproductive diseases in cattle... read more

MSU Priorities

Community and Economic Development in the 21st Century

Preparing Unemployed U.S. Veterans for Agriculture Industry Jobs

Preparing Unemployed U.S. Veterans for Agriculture Industry Jobs

MSU Institute of Agricultural Technology and VETS to AG – Veteran's Agricultural Worker Training Program

The current economic climate has created hardship for many in Michigan, including veterans who serve the nation and return home to face unemployment and fragile living conditions that may lead to homelessness. In a unique partnership involving workforce development, education, and potential employers, the Vets to AG - Veteran's Agricultural Worker Training Program addresses how to get veterans trained to re-enter the workforce in Michigan's agriculture industry... read more

Looking for Community Partners

Collaboration and partnership with communities are at the core of engaged scholarship. In all of its work, University Outreach and Engagement emphasizes university-community partnerships that are collaborative, participatory, empowering, systemic, transformative, and anchored in scholarship. If you are a faculty or academic staff member wanting to establish a community partnership, University Outreach and Engagement may be able to help you. Our staff and researchers have connections across the state in areas such as education, mental health, human services, business, and government. For more information, contact Burton Bargerstock, Executive Director of the Office for Public Engagement and Scholarship, at (517) 353-8977 or .


We would like to hear from you. Contact us with comments, suggestions, announcements, or "engaged scholar" project information for future e-newsletters. Send to: .


MSU Graduate Certification in Community EngagementExternal link - opens in new window
This program prepares graduate students for careers that integrate scholarship with community engagement. It offers students a transcript notation indicating that they have completed the program.

Community Engagement ToolkitsExternal link - opens in new window
Designed by the Center for Community Engaged Learning to guide and support MSU faculty, students, staff, and community partners.

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