Curricular engagement involves faculty, students, and community in mutually respectful collaborations that enhance the well-being of the community, deepen student learning, and enrich the scholarship of the University.
MSU's Center for Service-Learning and Civic Engagement provides beyond-the-classroom learning opportunities that are integrated with students' academic programs. Students who participate in service-learning enrich their academic knowledge with real-world applications and develop personal, professional, leadership, and citizenship skills. The service may be connected to a specific MSU course or academic major (curricular), or may simply be related to a personal passion (co-curricular).
Service placements can be as short as one afternoon or as long as a semester or academic year. From summer 2005 through spring 2006, the Center for Service-Learning and Civic Engagement received and accommodated 11,235 student applications for service positions.
Contact Karen McKnight Casey, Director, (517) 353-4400
or caseyk@msu.eduE-Mail for more information.