The Engaged Scholar Magazine
![The Engaged Scholar Magazine Cover - Volume 13](https://engagedscholar.msu.edu/magazine/volume13/images/cover_L.png)
The Year of Global Africa
The 2018 issue of the Engaged Scholar Magazine explores MSU's rich history and connection with partners across Africa and throughout the African diaspora. It includes descriptions of diverse engagement activities that illustrate MSU's longtime focus on sustainable, effective, and equitable long-term partnerships in Africa and around the world.
View the latest volume
Global Youth Advancement Summit
Proposal deadline: December 31, 2018
Extension Speed Meeting: Strengthening Partnerships Around PFAS and Other Water Contaminant Issues
Registration deadline: January 18, 2019
ARIS Center (Advance Research Impacts in Society) Fellowship Program 2019-2020
Application deadline: January 30, 2019
Philosophy from All Walks of Life Conference
Proposal deadline: January 31, 2019
Building Capacity for Research and Action Award: Flint Funding Opportunity
Application deadline: February 14, 2019
Gateways International Journal of Community Research and Engagement
Call for abstracts deadline: February 15, 2019
Summer Intensive on Community-Engaged Scholarship
Application deadline: April 5, 2019
MSU Graduate Certification in Community Engagement
Program prepares graduate students for academic careers that integrate scholarship with community engagement. It offers students a transcript notation indicating that they have completed the program.
Community Engagement Toolkits
Designed by the Center for Service-Learning and Civic Engagement to guide and support MSU faculty, students, staff, and community partners.
Tools of Engagement Learning Modules
Online curriculum modules are available for use by MSU faculty to introduce undergraduate students to the concept of university-community engagement.
Transformations in Higher Education: The Scholarship of Engagement Series
Available from MSU Press
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In This Issue
Featured MSU Engaged Scholars
In Every Issue
Featured MSU Engaged Scholars
Marcie Ray, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Musicology
College of Music
Setting the Stage for Music Students through Social Engagement
Music has long been used as a vehicle for making social and political commentary. Unfortunately, sometimes the messages that are being conveyed affirm, or even promote, negative and harmful stereotypes and ideals.
As a musicologist in MSU's College of Music, Marcie Ray researches some of the negative messages around issues of gender and sexuality in music, such as in French Baroque opera of the 18th century. But what if music could be used as a vehicle to engage in a positive way on societal issues, not just through performance, but through actual engagement in and with communities?
This is what Ray is seeking to help her students think about and put into action through the seminar courses she offers each year ... read more
Tracey Covassin, Ph.D., FNATA, AT, ATC
Professor, Department of Kinesiology
Undergraduate Athletic Training Program Director
College of Education
Impacts of Sports-related Concussions and High School Student Athletes
Concussions have long been a known risk factor for athletes who participate in hard-hitting contact sports like football and ice hockey. Impacts on the brain and the body have been in the media spotlight, especially because of stories from professional players and their families. It has triggered intense scrutiny about safety, but has also led to a slew of other questions pertaining to head injuries among men and women athletes across the sports spectrum.
Tracey Covassin leads the undergraduate athletic training program at MSU, and her major areas of study focus on sports-related concussion. Much of her work involves the diagnosis, treatment, and potential prevention of concussions for athletes. She and her students partner with athletic trainers to address standards of care for sports-related injuries, particularly concerning concussions. That includes outreach efforts such as research presentations and information sessions to address the concerns of parents, student athletes, coaches, and school administrators ... read more
Shelia R. Cotten, Ph.D.
MSU Foundation Professor
Department of Media and Information
College of Communication Arts and Sciences
Bringing New Technology and Old Industries Up to Speed: Workforce Study on Automated Vehicles Looks at the Future of the Transportation Industry
Currently, millions of Americans work as professional drivers, either transporting freight, making deliveries, or carrying passengers. As the technology for connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) becomes reality, there are real questions—and real anxieties—as to how CAVs will affect those drivers in particular, but also the entire workforce.
The American Center for Mobility (ACM), a U.S. Department of Transportation designated testing and proving grounds for CAVs, is located on 500 acres adjacent to the historic Willow Run Airport in Ypsilanti Township, Michigan. It provides facilities to companies to conduct testing, research, education, and product development related to CAVs. According to ACM's website, their goal is "to enable the rapid, safe development and deployment of future transportation systems by offering leading programs in testing, standards, and education as a national technology innovation center." ... read more
Upcoming Events
Community-Engaged Scholarship Write-Ins
East Lansing, Michigan
January 11, 2019
February 1, 2019
March 1, 2019
April 5, 2019
May 3, 2019
IPPSR Public Policy Forum: Lending Light to Michigan's Double Crisis – Opioid Use and Suicide
Lansing, Michigan
January 16, 2019
MSU Awards Convocation
East Lansing, MI
February 5, 2019
Community-Engaged Research: Getting Started
East Lansing, Michigan
February 8, 2019
University-Industry Engagement Conference
Sydney, Australia
February 11-13, 2019
MSU Global Engagement Speaker Series—Pauline Mujawamariya Koelbl
East Lansing, Michigan
February 19, 2019
3rd Annual MSU University Outreach and Engagement Awards Ceremony
East Lansing, Michigan
February 20, 2019
Approaches to Involving Students in Community-Engaged Research
East Lansing, Michigan
February 22, 2019
MSU Global Engagement Speaker Series—Iman Nuwayhid
East Lansing, Michigan
March 12, 2019
Strategies for Publishing Your Community-Engaged Scholarship
East Lansing, Michigan
March 29, 2019
MSU Science Festival
East Lansing, Michigan
April 5-20, 2019
National Alliance For Broader Impacts 2019 Summit
Tuscon, Arizona
April 30-May 2, 2019
Looking for Project Partners?
University-Community Partnerships
Collaboration and partnership with communities are at the core of engaged scholarship. In all of its work, University Outreach and Engagement emphasizes university-community partnerships that are collaborative, participatory, empowering, systemic, transformative, and anchored in scholarship. If you are a faculty or academic staff member wanting to establish a community partnership to work on a specific research issue, University Outreach and Engagement can help you. Our staff, specialists, and researchers have established connections across the state in a number of areas such as education, mental health, human services, business, and government. For more information, contact Laurie Van Egeren, Interim Associate Provost for University Outreach and Engagement at (517) 353-8977, or vanegere@msu.edu.
ES 360° Feedback ...
We would like to hear from you. Contact us with comments, suggestions, announcements, or “engaged scholar” project information for future e-newsletters. Send to Carla Hills: engaged.scholar@msu.edu or call (517) 353-8977.