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May 2013 Printable Version   |   Home About Contact

The Engaged Scholar Magazine

The Engaged Scholar Magazine Cover - Volume 7

Diversity and Inclusion
Volume No. 7 addresses equitable and sustainable approaches to coping with the social, technological, and economic complexities of life in the 21st century.


2013 MSU Outreach Scholarship Community Partnership Award
Nominations Due: October 10, 2013

Tool of Engagement Learning Modules
Learn about new curriculum modules available to faculty that introduce undergraduate students to the concept of university-community engagement and help instruct the next generation of scholars.

MSU Graduate Certificate in Community Engagement
Program prepares graduate students for academic careers that integrate scholarship with community engagement. It offers students a transcript notation indicating that they have completed the program.

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Featured MSU Engaged Scholars

Photo: Flickr user The National Guard Adrian Blow, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Studies
College of Social Science

Transitions for Army National Guard Veterans and Resiliency in Military Families

Men and women in military service are accustomed to facing challenges. Education, training, and preparation are hallmarks of readying military personnel for deployment. When their mission is complete they return to their familiar environment, but not everything is the same. A soldier's experience, whether in combat or peacekeeping missions, can evoke intense emotions that do not automatically disperse in the transition from service to civilian life. That experience, and the subsequent transition, can affect the soldier and his or her family in profound ways.

Adrian Blow has worked with the Michigan National Guard since 2006, steadily increasing collaborations and strengthening a working partnership to understand how service members reintegrate from active duty to civilian life, and how they cope with the stresses on them and their families ... read more

Agricultural Capacity Building in Africa: Action Research, Community Education and Web-Based Resources John B. Kaneene, D.V.M., M.P.H., Ph.D.
University Distinguished Professor of Epidemiology
Director, Center for Comparative Epidemiology
College of Veterinary Medicine

Agricultural Capacity Building in Africa: Action Research, Community Education and Web-Based Resources

As a young man working on his father's dairy farm in Uganda, John Kaneene had a role model, a Ugandan veterinarian who was a close friend of his father and who provided veterinary services on the family farm.

"So I grew up with that image of a veterinarian," said Kaneene, who is himself a veterinarian. He also holds a Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) degree and a Ph.D. in epidemiology and statistics.

Dr. Kaneene's combination of training has allowed him to address issues related to both veterinary medicine and public health, specializing in diseases transmittable between animals and humans, identified as zoonotic diseases. Much of his research involves working on the well-being and economic improvement of farmers and their livestock in rural communities ... read more

MSU Priorities
Community and Economic Development in the 21st Century

Photo: Flickr user U.S.Customs and Border Protection Jeremy Wilson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, School of Criminal Justice
Director, Anti-Counterfeiting and Product Protection Program (A-CAPPP)
College of Social Science

The A-CAPPP Industry Academy: Cross-Disciplinary Training in the Battle Against Product Counterfeiting

Globally, product counterfeiting accounts for hundreds of billions of dollars in economic loss each year. Its effects are multidimensional, impacting the safety and economic well-being of consumers, retailers and manufacturers, and ultimately, the entire global market. Because of the vast and complex nature of the problem, it needs to be addressed in a comprehensive way.

MSU's Anti-Counterfeiting and Product Protection Program (A-CAPPP), the first and preeminent academic body focused on the complex global issues of anti-counterfeiting and product protection, develops strategies for dealing with counterfeiting as it cuts across all products, industries, and markets.

According to A-CAPPP director, Dr. Jeremy Wilson, "There was a need for an institution to step up and take a leadership role. Because we have a global mission, and a land-grant mission, and we have one of the most highly regarded programs related to brand protection in the world, industry reaches out to us." ... read more

In Every Issue

Upcoming Events

CU Expo 2013: Engaging Shared Worlds
Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
June 12-15, 2013

Second Annual Lynton Colloquium on the Scholarship of Engagement: The Engaged Scholar and the Engaged Campus
Boston, Massachusetts
September 30, 2013

2013 Imagining America National Conference
Syracuse, New York
October 4-6, 2013

14th Annual Conference of the Engagement Scholarship Consortium
Lubbock, Texas
October 8-10, 2013

2013 International Association for Research on Service-learning and Community Engagement Conference
Omaha, Nebraska
November 6-8, 2013

2013 Association of Public and Land-grant Universities Annual Meeting
Washington, D.C.
November 10-12, 2013

Michigan's 9th Annual World Usability Day
East Lansing, Michigan
November 14, 2013

2013 Michigan Pre-College and Youth Outreach Conference
Ann Arbor, Michigan
November 18, 2013

Looking for Project Partners?

University-Community Partnerships

Collaboration and partnership with communities are at the core of engaged scholarship. In all of its work, University Outreach and Engagement emphasizes university-community partnerships that are collaborative, participatory, empowering, systemic, transformative, and anchored in scholarship. If you are a faculty or academic staff member wanting to establish a community partnership to work on a specific research issue, University Outreach and Engagement can help you. Our staff, specialists, and researchers have established connections across the state in a number of areas such as education, mental health, human services, business, and government. For more information, contact Patricia Farrell at (517) 353-8977, or farrellp@msu.edu.

Focus: HOPE, Detroit, MI

Opportunities for partnership exist around the following areas: service-learning, student internships and placements, faculty research partnerships, and development of innovative solutions to pressing social problems. For more information, contact Deborah E. Fisher at (313) 494-4306 or fisherd@focushope.edu, or visit http://ucp.msu.edu/partnerships/.

ES 360° Feedback ...

We would like to hear from you. Contact us with comments, suggestions, announcements, or “engaged scholar” project information for future e-newsletters. Send to Carla Hills: engaged.scholar@msu.edu or call (517) 353-8977.

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