UOE Builds Capacity for Engagement Scholarship Among MSU Students, Faculty, and Partners

UOE supports and provides professional development resources, programs, and services to MSU's undergraduates, graduate and graduate professional students, academic staff, faculty, administrators, and community partners. These learning resources are designed to increase knowledge, strengthen skills, and build capacity for community engaged scholarship in all forms—community engaged research, creative activity, teaching and learning, service and practice, and to a lesser extent, commercialized activities. UOE offers programs and services in a variety of formats and durations to accommodate learner preferences, including:

  • Online toolkits and modules
  • Workshops, seminars, and guest lectures
  • Conferences, retreats, and week-long intensives
  • Learning networks and learning communities
  • Cohort-based programs
  • Individual consultations

These learning opportunities reflect the latest developments in the scholarship of engagement, best practices in teaching and learning, and thorough outcomes-focused evaluation.

Learning Opportunities

The UOE educational program team seeks to deliver professional development programs that...

  • Focus on capacity building for community engaged scholarship;
  • Serve an audience or fulfill a niche in a way that existing programs and activities do not;
  • Have adequate financial resources to support development, testing, refinement, and ongoing support for the program;
  • Yield substantial impacts given the investments of money and time associated with the development and delivery of the program;
  • Involve UOE faculty and staff in the development of the materials and program;
  • Gather input from learners, or representatives of learners, in developing the materials, making decisions about formats, and delivering the materials;
  • Reflect good practices for teaching and learning, instructional design, and innovative delivery; and
  • Achieve learning objectives measured through outcome-oriented evaluation.
Diane Doberneck

For more information contact:
Diane Doberneck, Assistant Director, National Collaborative for the Study of University Engagement
E-Mail: connordm@msu.edu

  • Written by Amy Byle, University Outreach and Engagement

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